Private House: Levittown, PA
Weather: Partly cloudy, 42degrees, 64% humidity, 29.77″ barometric pressure and falling
Solar Activity: Active
Geomagnetic Activity: Quiet
Moon Phase: Waning crescent with 11% of full
Equipment Used: kodak digital camera,
Date Of Investigation: 04-29-11
Time: 9:30pm – 12:50am
Investigators on Scene: Erica Ebling, Bill McCumber, Mandy McCaw, Maureen Carroll, and Kim Haley
Photos taken (digital): 742
Positive Photos: 13
EVP’s: 1
Anomalous EMF readings: 3
Anomalous temperature changes: 40
Positive Motion Sensor Readings: 0
Video Events: 0
This was SJGR’s first visit to this home. In the Master Bedroom, an impression of the name Rose Marie kept popping up as well as a strong floral scent and then dissipating. Also in the bedroom, an impression of a man named Bruce in his mid-30s trying to show the investigator baseball cards. The floral scent was also picked up briefly in the hallway between the master bedroom and bathroom.
An investigator felt the impression of a long-haired dog on the first floor. One of the investigators got the name Stephanie in the Master Bedroom and Living Room along with the occupation Hairdresser and the numbers 43, 44 and 8, 9.
On the stairs leading to the second floor, an investigator got the impression of an elderly person complaining about the stairs. The elderly person seems to be very weak and tired and hates having to climb the stairs every day. Investigators also experienced headaches near the window alcove facing the church. An investigator got the impression someone would pray out the window as well as picking up on the name Tom. In the Guest Bedroom, another team of investigators got the impression of a small, chubby, elderly woman with fluffy white hair that didn’t wear glasses. This elderly lady used to work with her hands, maybe as a seamstress, or maybe enjoyed knitting. An investigator got the name Margaret and the word, “sister”.
The physical evidence collected consisted of what we believe to be an apparition in two photos. The Trifield EMF Meter which detects changes in the Electromagnetic field was triggered twice in the living room. The ambient Temperature Deviation Device (ATDD), which detects a change in the ambient temperature, indicated a rise in temperature during the night. In two locations, two E-pods, which detect a static energy charge within the area, were triggered and then moments later the ATDD, which was in the middle of the Guest Bedroom’s bed was triggered.
In the Guest Bedroom, Investigator Carroll recorded a voice saying “It looks like 2 Thousand”
12:45am Investigator Carroll took this using a modified IR digital camera, around the time the motion sensor was heard in another room. They were taken in burst mode. In the first photo, there is something moving across the frame near the bookcase and it disappears on the next two photos taken all taken within 2 seconds.
2nd Photo
3rd Photo